Business processes in all domains and especially in electric/ electronic industries are increasingly being conducted electronically; a situation which applies to internal processes as well as to the interaction with external partners. To support the necessary information transfer the use of common concepts based on information/classification models is inevitable.
Concepts specified on a global basis support error-free information sharing. In addition, the dictionaries of concepts may be used as reference collections for setting up master data repositories for product data that serve as company internal information backbones. Thus, costly interpretation and conversion errors may be minimized.
From the market side, pressure is increasingly being exerted to supply product data in electronic form using commonly agreed concepts and as this pressure grows, it will have a considerable impact on all business processes. For this reason, a seamless exchange of product data, i.e., an exchange that is free from media discontinuities requires a unified, joint approach both for exchanging product data internally within a company or for exchanging product data with suppliers or customers.
IEC CDD (Common Data Dictionary) is an IEC-hosted system that includes a common repository with data dictionaries for all ISO and IEC industrial/technical related-domains and that complies with the data model for data dictionaries defined in IEC 61360-2/ISO 13584-42 with an enhancement of its modelling capability adopted from IEC 62656-1.
NOTE 1 Data dictionaries may include data from electrotechnical and non-electrotechnical domains
NOTE 2 Content published in data dictionaries has the status of an ISO or IEC standard
IEC CDD provides:
- unambiguous identification of classes and properties, and their relations;
- commonly accepted terminology and definitions based on accepted sources such as IEC International Standards, other International Standards, industry standards, or public authorities;
- hierarchies of concepts enabling users to appropriately characterize their products and services;
- relevant conditions and constraints if necessary on possible values of characteristics;
- technical representation of concepts including units and data types and their identification.
The above may be used as templates or structures for defining company-specific data collections for various applications, such as catalogues, databases, and master-data repositories. Such consistent data collections are indispensable for data integrity, system engineering, and efficient management of corporate product and service portfolios.
The license Agreement allows the use of the classes, properties, units, values and relations in business and engineering processes and related applications.
NOTE: IEC CDD data can be extracted in an IEC 62656-1 compliant machine-sensible form.
The application IEC CDD is maintained by IEC SC3D: "Classes, Properties and Identification of products - Common Data Dictionary (CDD)". Requests for modifications and additions are processed via change requests addressed to the validation team by National Committees and TC/SCs. Please contact the IEC/SC 3D secretary or click here to access the maintenance area (requires identification with personal IEC login and password).
Please read the License Agreement governing the use and reproduction of the terms and definitions contained in IEC CDD.
Please send any queries or comments regarding this Standard and application to the IEC/SC 3D secretary or to the IEC Customer Service Centre.